Beautiful Monster

 Welcome back my beautiful monster. I've been here waiting for you since a lot of time. Patiently, of course, I understood about the ways of living during my last years, I made a lot of mistakes, I forgot despicable people, I learned to love the ones who wanted to stay around. If they want to, they're purely part of me, as well as my feelings for them.

Multiple universes in my hand and all I wanted was to avoid the problems that you can cause, because honestly, you're not an easy entity. I know you really enjoy to destroy everything to ashes, to use your power to smash and devastate. Not a normal person, not a simpleton, even if those are a pair of flags I like to use around. I'm here to conquer, since the begining until end of tomorrow, they won't expect when I just make it happen.

However, I must admit, there's a certain allure to your chaos, a strange beauty in the wreckage you leave behind. Each time you unleash your fury, I'm reminded of the raw power at my disposal, a force untamed and wild. It's a reminder that in this vast cosmos, with its endless possibilities, I hold the reins of a beast most would cower before. This power, it's intoxicating, seductive, drawing me deeper into its embrace with every act of destruction.

Yet, there's a price to pay for dancing with such a tempest. The aftermath of your rampages leaves scars, not just on the world, but on my soul. I see the faces of those caught in our wake, their lives upended, their dreams turned to dust. It weighs on me, this knowledge that for every triumphant roar, there's a trail of sorrow and loss. It's a burden I bear, a constant battle between the thrill of power and the pangs of conscience.

In the end, I realize that you, my inner monster, are both my greatest strength and my most profound weakness. You are the embodiment of my ambitions, the manifestation of my inner turmoil. Together, we walk a fine line, balancing on the edge of greatness and ruin. And as the dawn of a new era approaches, I stand at the crossroads, wondering whether to embrace your fire or seek a different path, one less destructive but perhaps more fulfilling. The choice is mine, and mine alone.

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